Friday, December 14, 2012

Welcome to The Crafty Empress

Well, here it is. 

After thinking about it for minutes on end, I decided it was better that I create a crafting blog so I can stop clogging up my friend's Facebook pages with the ridiculous stuff I've been doing. Besides, I love another avenue to get all of the attention that I so rightly deserve, what with being an Empress and all.

So, welcome to my madness. I constantly have about 7 projects going at any one time ranging from "normal" crafts to Girl Scout projects to sewing projects. This year, I have decided to try to make as many Christmas presents as possible. I'm also adding to my own collection of holiday decorations. The presents won't be posted until after Christmas, but I'll be adding pictures of the stuff I'm making for my own home.

Today's project is making a Christmas card holder. I get all of these fantastically awesome holiday cards every year and never have anywhere to put them that looks even remotely festive. So, after being inspired by Pinterest (Horrible site. Never go unless you have 50 hours to waste.), I am creating my own using mini-clothespins, die-cut wood stars, paint, and the herpes of crafting - glitter.

Some in progress pictures -

The other project I'm currently working on are seasonal words for the walls or whatever. There is JOY, MERRY, and NOEL. Painted in red, green, and white. I am attaching the letters together with popsicle sticks and tilting letters to make it more fun. I need to get some shiny shellac or varnish or something - I am not happy with the matte finish. I'll put ribbons on the back to hang them in the house.

FINISHED STUFF!!! This is just a smidge of the stuff I have finished. If I posted everything, we'd be here til 12th Night. The one Christmas thing I have finished is my rag wreath. It is amazing and I love it beyond all reason. It took about 7 yards of fabric cut into 1"x7" strips, but that's why God invented the rotary cutter, right? The strips were tied into a 4-ring, 18" wreath frame.

 For Thanksgiving, my family and I went down to the Detroit parade. And so, I made us ear warmers with a bit of holiday flair. I didn't take "in progress" pictures because I was making them in the wee hours of the morning.

So there you have it. My new blog. I'll try to post daily updates, but I can't promise. I have projects, ya'll. 

Love to you all,
The Crafty Empress


  1. Hooray...another blog for me to read! :) Can't wait to see all of your creations, Amy.
